Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What Do Angels Look Like?

This is what an Angel looks like
Kenna was an angel at her preschool. She is the most beautiful angel I have ever seen.
Reese, Dash and Kenna
I feel sure one of these precious boys will be her husband one day

Dash and Kenna
Kenna's 4 year old class

Me and my little angel
Nanis and Papis

Pawpaw and his angel
Mimi and Pawpaw with the girls
Nanis and the girls
Kyli love on Kenna
Kyli told me that Kenna looked so precious.
Tired of Kyli loving on her
The Christmas pageant was so cute. It makes my heart melt when I see all the little kids singing Christmas songs. For the last 3 weeks Kenna has been singing Noel, Noel. So cute!
Tomorrow is a big day for me! I am celebrating one year since surgery. I know that sounds crazy to celebrate a surgery but it has forever changed my life. God is so good. I'll post more tomorrow about "my celebration!"


  1. I love your little angel!!! woo hoo for ONE YEAR!!! God is so Good, Sandi!

  2. Most precious little angel ever!!! such great pics!!!

  3. Such a precious angel!! The pageant was cute!! Thank God for your speedy recovery from your surgery. Hard to believe it's been a year already. You Rock!!!!!!!! God Rocks!!!!! Love ya!
