All these pics are from my iphone and the are all mixed up!
My precious boy and his new haircut

Last weekend our old neighbors and awesome friends came to town.
Rilyn, Taylor and Kenna
It has be so lonely since they moved
All bundled up
My first grade team
KB slept with me since Chris was gone one night. Isn't it so cute how Raider is curled up
Love these two- Dash and KB
The girls are already writing the Christmas list. Kyli even wrote Santa a letter.
Mary Kate, Gracyn and Kyli
The girls with Deets
KB getting her face painted at school
Wild and Crazy
Yes, Kenna's friends are ALL boys
Kenna's wants this for Christmas. I do a lot of shopping online. You can't get it online at Target or Toys r us. It is priced double on Amazon. Not sure what that's all about! Hoping my mom can find it tomorrow at Target when she takes Kyli to the doctor for me. Kyli's feet are cracked and peeling. Her scalp is also peeling really bad. We have dealt with this for the last 4 years. We will get a refill on her meds!
Kyli's latest buck. It's another nine point killed by her crossbow. Kyli is very blessed to have a daddy that takes her hunting. And I am blessed that I have a freezer full of meat. Even though Kyli has killed two bucks this year they meat will be gone by summer. We need one more to get us through to next year.
Have a blessed week!
I am praying for our country. Please go and vote!
I came across this prayer this afternoon and had to share. Please take a moment and pray for our country and the election.
11/5/2012 Prayer for the Nation
Dear Beloved God in Heaven,
Please give us a president that loves this country and everything it stands for. Please give us a president who respects You as the one true God. Please give us a president who will, with Your help, restore this nation to its former glory, the way you created her. Please help us to respect what you have given to us and not take anything for granted ever again. Please God weaken the evil and strengthen the good both without and within. May our eyes be opened. In Jesus name, Amen