Monday, September 26, 2011

Matilda Jane Ava Necklace!

Can I just tell you how happy that the first six weeks of school is over! I'll be so excited on Friday when reports cards go out, parent conferences are over, I'll know results of my ESL test and I will have finished CScope Math unit 5. It has been crazy and exhausting!
I am not a test taker and today I took my ESL test. I have put it off for years because I have test anxiety. Let me tell you that this test was so HARD! I feel like I wasted so many hours of not studying the right materials. The sad thing is... it cost $120 every time I take it. I have been praying so hard for the knowledge to pass this test. If I pass it, it will be a miracle because there were some questions I had no clue.
It is thundering and lightening. Music to my ears. I am begging for God to soak our ground.
I had a bug this weekend and now Kenna is throwing up. Hopefully it is short lived because I don't want to miss school two days in a row. Chris is at Fire Arms Training and can't help out all week.
Kyli getting ready to go play ball
Kenna being pitiful
Check out this cute necklace I made to match the girls MJ Ava skirt. So cute!

Badger necklace for Blakeli. We are going to watch Badger vs. Bulldogs on Oct. 7th and the girls wanted to take Blakeli a necklace. Hopefully she will like it. I love all the sports balls.
Kyli is in Little Dribblers in MF. I love ball and will be so sad if my girls ever stop playing.
Dash and Kenna

This Saturday is Chris' 36th birthday. We are going to Fredericksburg for the weekend with friends. Adults only! Praise the Lord! I love my girls but I need some time with my hubby and friends. Please continue to pray for rain in Texas! Have a blessed week!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhhhhhh, parent/teacher conferences were great, but oh so exhausting! And best wishes on your test! Yucky tests! Cute necklace for your girls' the baseball beads! Hope everyone in your home is better soon!
